Childhood/Homeschooling — Understanding the Importance of Self-Reliance

Elijah Kramer
1 min readOct 8, 2020

This playlist says a lot about the experiences and growth I experienced throughout my childhood. As stated in my WP1 project, I grew up being homeschooled. As a result of this, I was often left with feelings of loneliness and desolation. This playlist is a compilation of songs I listened to during my late homeschool years. Looking back at it now, I realize that many of the songs I was listening to contained little words and were more focused on the instrumental part. It was less about the lyrics of the songs, but actually the lack thereof. This caused a deeper reflection. I think I listened to these types of songs because I was not accustomed to dialogue and socialization. Words were not said to me often, so my reaction was listening to songs that didn’t have words. Ultimately, I found that being in this lonely stage of my life was actually a major upside to my future. Being on my own for all those years formed a path to independence and showed me the importance of self-reliance.

